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Neurodivergent parenting, Lainy's blog for partner organisation
Global Equality Collective
I have worked with teenagers and young people for 30 years in different capacities, I really want to make a difference to the experiences teenagers and young people have with the adults around them, and for the adults around them to enjoy the time they have together. Because before too long they will leave us to forge their own way in the world and we will miss them.
I want to lead the way in supporting parents in truly understanding the complexities, of not only the most recent researched findings about adolescence, but how experiences in the wider world also impact on them.
This is such an emotive and deep subject, not least because as parents or carers we judge ourselves harshly as it is, goodness knows I do, but to find out the true facts about how young people develop and then to learn what we can do better, can empower us and re-establish good relationships with our children.
As one parent to another I am passionate about training others in a non-threatening, kind and relaxed way, where a network of parents support one another and no one ever feels alone with their struggles.
I have been researching all of the things you wish you had time to do, been on the courses, worked with professionals in neuroscience, psychology and sociology and gained much insight from counsellors and educationalists. I work with adults in education, teaching them how to better engage and build rapport with young people to develop skills for life and learning. We also look at the issues young people face today with stress and often feelings of loneliness and 'not fitting in'.
If you would like to find out more, come and join the family
We can run short courses or you may want to have one-to-one coaching.
We will discuss and learn about;
Myths and realities of adolescence
Why they act the way they do
Challenges they face
How they are interacting with the world around them
When do they need professional help?
What we can do to support them while also developing our own wellbeing
I have contacts with many professionals in this field and am often able to advise on the best routes you may wish to take with your young person when things are going wrong. I can also put you in touch with support if you are feeling scared or threatened by a young person.
We now know that some of the behaviours and mood swings that we see in teenagers are more to do with brain development than hormones
Adolescence is now believed to be between the ages of 14-24, however, it can start before and last longer, this means that part of the brain has not fully developed in this age group
The thing that wakes us up in the morning, melatonin, kicks in around 11.30pm for teenagers....yeah that's why they can work into the early hours! here is some information on melatonin

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