"We have searched long and hard to find a company capable of adapting their training and coaching style to suit each and every one of our individual manager's personalities, with training material that is 100% relevant to our industry, and a delivery method that bridges the gap between theory and real life. Lainy Russell of Flourish ticks all those boxes"
Mark Taylor Managing Director
Pickfords Move Management
Full testimonial here

"Lainy led a workshop at RSSL consisting of a group of consultants who had previously worked at middle and senior management level in the pharmaceutical industry. This was the first time that this disparate group was expected to work together on a common task.
Lainy did a tremendous job in orienting the group to a common purpose and demonstrated excellent leadership in embracing the often different views to give a successful outcome to the task".
Rob Hughes - QA/GMP training and Qualified Person Pharmaceuticals
Understanding those tricky interpersonal relationships and interactions we have with people at work and avoiding or managing conflict can really make a difference to performance and change management, so we work with you to develop the skills to succeed using the latest science and research about how our brains and minds work. Studies show that the root of most problems is communication, whether that is direct, virtual or in writing and there are really good reasons for this. We will show you what happens in communication transactions and what you can do to be an expert communicator.
This human dynamics approach will guide you through ​
Adapting to change
Career advancement
Managing unwanted behaviours
Having difficult conversations
Influencing skills
Conflict avoidance or resolution
Improved wellbeing
Better time management
Better performance and success
One thing I have learned is that basically we all want the same thing... to feel successful, to feel that we are making a difference, a valuable contribution and to be happy, enjoying our days (or evenings) at work, whilst earning enough money to feel secure.
The common things that seem to hamper having positive experiences are usually time pressures in a very busy, demanding and changing world, feeling overwhelmed, fear of redundancy, interpersonal difficulties and often poor or diminishing mental wellbeing.
Staff are also set back by lack of knowledge or understanding - feeling out of one's depth, and in some cases technological advances.
The best thing we can do for staff individually and in teams is to start with how they think about any given situation. Positive performance starts from within and we need to look at the beliefs, values and mindset of the people we are working with and of course our own!
Becoming more 'Conscious' of these things is the first step BUT knowing how to adeptly use this knowledge (I call this the 'missing-link'), creates sustained success.
Leadership and management
With a combination of training, coaching and mentoring, develop your knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of managing and leading people successfully. You can choose what to work on and set your own goals. Leadership is a very personal journey and so this service reflects that.
New to management
New to an organisation and hitting the ground running
New to senior management or leadership
In a management role wanting career progression
Senior manager or leader confronting demanding challenges
Overcoming the imposter syndrome
Change management
Influencing skills & effective communication
Conflict and behaviour
Aspiring managers
"Lainy combines her knowledge and understanding of leadership with her considerable facilitation skills".
Ali Foss - CEO
High Performing Teams
Positive performance starts from within and we need to look at the beliefs, values and mindset of the people we are working with, and of course our own! People need to engage with one another to create and sign up to a shared goal, shared vision and shared practices. One of the things that people tell me is that they often feel a lack of respect within teams and are uncomfortable with certain team members' behaviour. Another common conversation we have is the feeling of being valued. So you can see from this that high performance from any team involves more than just the members of the team, it involves supervisors, managers, leaders, support staff and possibly clients or contractors.
Good teams can often lose focus and motivation in times of change or in business processes such as restructures, inspections, audits and obviously during times where the business may be suffering bad publicity or financial stresses. Teams often say that the communication cascading down from the top is lacking, confusing or is 'tone deaf' to the situation, staff often feel they could have contributed more to discussions to find solutions to problems or development needs.
In building effective teams we will look at:
The common purpose of the team
The clear and defined roles within the team
Leadership of the team
Establishing effective processes to support the work of the team
Relationships and co-operation/support
This is the topic that nearly everyone dislikes the most, fear of it occurring and fear of handling it. Conflict is never pleasant whether in the workplace or outside of it, but we need to look at the causes, then the prevention and finally managing it.
Once people learn the human dynamics around conflict and learn strategies that truly influence the situation they are stunned at how much can be avoided. Someone just recently exclaimed everyone should know about this and I am going to tell the whole team! It really is that powerful.
Many times conflict lands at the door of the HR department so we work closely with the HR professionals to support processes and offer coaching and guidance.
Every situation is unique because every person is unique, so although we can learn basic strategies and tools to help us we must also learn the human dynamic approach in order to read each situation and respond in tailored ways for positive outcomes.
Being coached and learning to coach others
These sessions are always carefully tailored to the individual and the organisational ethos and we discuss approaches before the work commences. Coaching is confidential and we will discuss this with you. Staff say they find this approach refreshing and it allows them to think and talk through things that may otherwise 'block' their success and that of their teams.
Commitment to a minimum of 6 sessions are necessary; however, we will discuss the best way forward when we understand your needs, we can work with very small groups or one-to-one.
Everything discussed and planned in advance
Tailor-made solutions wrapped around your need
Positive, flexible approach to gain best results
Working in small management or leadership teams or with individuals
We can work remotely, face-to-face or a combination of the two.
If you would like to learn how to use our human dynamic method of coaching and look at all of the elements from other coaching techniques we use, we can work on a one-to-one or small dicreet group of staff on perfecting these skills.
Important; This is not counselling, should it emerge that counselling may be suitable as well as, or instead of coaching, Lainy will be happy to advise on how to look for a suitable practitioner.
Influencing People
This isn't sales training as such, but it certainly can improve your sales technique! The strange thing is we try to sell ideas and changes to people all the time, we are just not always very good at it.
This is where human dynamics, knowing about how the brain works and all of the strategies of communication come into play. How we persuade people to 'get on board' or work to a common goal is all wrapped up in how we see and hear the world differently. Once you speak the language of the person/people you are trying to influence and learn why empathy is such a crucial tool you will never look back!
This is a complex subject with many elements to learn and then to practice, we would normally combine training and mentoring for individuals or teams.
Managing your Manager
As with many of the subjects we talk about at Flourish, there have been lots of books written about this issue, how do we create better relationships with our line managers? There are several things to consider but reading about them here or in a book may not help you, this is because you need to discuss your particular situation, as well as learn the strategies. Each relationship is different. Think about members of your family and your friends, are you the same with all of them? Do you act the same way, even think the same way, or does the interaction with them bring out different aspects of your personality?
Looking at a human dynamics approach will teach you how to do some pretty odd things that at first you may not want to; things like:
Empathise with their situation
Understanding their personality and how they best receive information
Using their strengths
Building rapport
Different ways of explaining or asking for things
This is just a flavour of who we can 'influence' relationships and better working dynamics.
Barriers to Success
It won't surprise you to know that time management, poor communication and unhelpful interpersonal relationships figure high on the list, but there are also some hidden barriers that often rear their heads, things such as fear of a colleague, having personal values at odds with a certain direction of travel, hidden health issues, peer pressure and family pressure to 'stay the same' so hampering growth and a rather complex one is fear of success itself!
We need to build a picture of ourselves and/or our staff so we can put as much support in place to mitigate as many of the barriers as possible. Don't wait for people to fail, be proactive in addressing practical and more psychological barriers.
Change and Adapting
You can follow a multitude of options for change management and different people will favour different methods, our approach is to enhance all of the theories out there so they become more effective in your particular circumstances and environment.
We will:
Work with you on 'selling' the changes that need to happen and how to get people's 'buy-in'
Coach you on handling difficult conversations, situations and avoid potential conflict
Support HR in supporting staff who are fearful and stressed
Support leaders and managers to manage the change personally
Be a critical friend who can ask questions and help solution focussed conversations
As situations arise and change we can adapt and support you flexibly and may introduce you to others who would be a support.
Career Advancement
Book a free 20 minute consultation with Lainy here
This section is about personal coaching with the sole purpose of looking to future career goals and the journey to them, this is individualised and person centred. We can also look at mentoring to develop certain personal skills and attributes needed for your intended role.
Lainy has seen people rising through the ranks of their profession many times over the years and if you would like a chat about what could work for you, please contact her directly.
Career Coaching testimonial
Introduction to training others
1 full day
An introduction to the key aspects of training others, basic theory of learning and why training is different to teaching. How to plan sessions and assess understanding. Communication styles and resources.
Who is this for?
People who have never trained anyone before or those who are dipping their toe in for the first time or for those that have to present at meetings.
What will I gain?
An overview of the role of the trainer and an understanding of the key basics of training others. This is a basic training day for people who may present/train others infrequently or not as their main job.
​​Training for trainers - Fundamentals
2 full days and optional mentoring package (see below)
Looking at the key aspects of training others
Lots of useful tools and strategies to support you in all areas of training
Fundamental theory of learning and why training is different to teaching
Planning for learning Vs planning to train
Knowing and reading your audience
We will look at the psychology of training and learning and how you can effectively use this; latest research and basic neuroscience that supports us with training; introduction to knowing ourselves and how important our self-development is
Communicating your messages; includes verbal language and body language; exploring resources and delivery methods
Assessing understanding / learning
Explore how memory and understanding work
There will be an opportunity to try techniques out in the workshop sessions; fun, friendly and supportive
Who is this for?
People who have started training, or are currently training and would like to improve their practice and those who wish to overcome any challenges such as trainee engagement and participation.
What will I gain?
An in-depth understanding of the role of the trainer and ability to explore and experiment with training practices, strategies and styles. This is an active programme full of fun and learning.
Training for trainers - Expert
1 full day and optional mentoring package (see below)
We will briefly recap some of the key knowledge and understanding, however, this course will assume participants will have completed the fundamentals or have evidence of previous learning/experience that matches the contents of the previous course, including the psychology and latest research elements.
This is an advanced course for people where training is a large part of their job. We will be taking a much deeper look at what is needed in terms of understanding ourselves and others, related to how the brain works and how this information can empower us as trainers.
Looking at the challenges of training and how we can overcome the hurdles we are faced with (flexible element of the training where we use real examples from participants)
Does your training environment promote wellbeing? An anxious mind can't learn, so what techniques do we need to adopt in order to put people at ease to get the best out of them?
What excellence looks like?
Who is this for?
People who are already working as trainers either within a company or freelance. If you are stuck in a rut, want inspiration or are battling with some tricky challenges. People who wish to excel in their field.
What will I gain?
An advanced practice perspective from huge amounts of experience, latest research and acknowledged science. Insights into why things do and don't work; advanced strategies; increased confidence. Managing difficult people and keeping your trainees motivated.
Highly effective way of really understanding your training practice, what is working for you and what is working against you?
This is done in a discreet, supportive and developmental way. People who have gone through this process have always said how helpful working with a mentor is, because it focuses totally on you and not on generic theories and solutions. The bond you build with your mentor is a unique positive experience.
Mentoring is negotiated on an individual basis and can be flexible in approach. This can be a mixture of onsite and remote conversations that will undoubtedly also entail the mentor 'watching' you train in order to help you solve issues. This is always done in a way that feels non-threatening to all concerned.
Mentoring is available with or without the training packages
"She (Lainy) is adept at identifying ways to help teams find and own solutions. Lainy inspires trust, and always demonstrates the highest levels of professionalism and integrity".
Ali Foss - CEO
"I had so many light bulb moments, it was shocking to realise how big a part
I played in creating conflict I didn’t want".
Julie at BluBel Telecommunications
"Lainy was exceptional at getting to know me as a person and, therefore, understanding how I work best and where I might need to develop as a leader. Her questions challenged me to think and consider new approaches, making me realise some things about myself that maybe I hadn't considered before. Having a coach that cares about my development from a personal perspective is really important to me; Lainy takes the lead from you and works from there, so you feel comfortable in celebrating the positive and working through areas to improve. A very positive experience with you at the centre of it".
Clare Last - Manager in the Sports Industry
"What struck me most about Lainy's leadership was her ability to influence the movement of the group from a relatively sceptical viewpoint to one of enthusiastic teamwork. A very memorable experience".
Rob Hughes - QA/GMP training and Qualified Person Pharmaceuticals
"I hadn't thought about trying any of the techniques we discussed, I can really see how this would change things, it's so useful, thank you".
Anonymous (for obvious reasons) Quality Assurance Manager
"When our action plan wasn’t working, she (Lainy') probed into the reasons why and quickly changed focus and got the team on side working on a new plan. We addressed the elephant in the room and this took over as our major focus. This only happened as we began getting to know each other and the team and Lainy built up a trusting and supportive relationship, I don’t think this would have come out at the beginning. As one of our team commented, “she not only talks the talk, but walks the walk” as she went undercover to observe some issues that then supported staff training and coaching".
D. Cuffe - Head of department
"We kicked the year off with Lainy delivering to over 100 staff on the importance of identifying, planning for and working on the changes we needed to embed.
We also took a very proactive and forward thinking look at our senior leaders and management team and Lainy worked with this group on developing a shared management style, shared communication methods and agreed ways of delivering organisational strategies and action plans.
Assistant Principal - 6th Form College, Southampton
"Because I valued the support so much, Lainy followed me to my new, more senior role and we worked together for another year".
A Parsons
"Lainy presented at RSSL tutor workshop and delivered some eye opening insights in how different people learn. And most importantly the differences in preparing to teach or preparing to provide learning".
Adrian Chowdhary – QP trainer Pharmaceuticals
Training Others
We offer three learning opportunities, plus mentoring for people who wish to start training, progress with their practice or want to explore more advanced skills.
As with all of the Flourish services, we look at becoming much more conscious of what we are doing, why others behave and respond as they do and look at robust teaching, training and learning research, science and up-to-date theory.
BUT, we don't stop there, the real key to success is being able to USE this information in a meaningful way, so another key element in all of our services is TRANSLATION.
We will never just throw a lot of theory at you without helping you use it practically.
This is also why we offer the option of some mentoring alongside our training packages.